Tuesday, September 16, 2008

College Minors:

To choose or not to choose..study a certain subject in college can be very overwhelming, but what about studying two subjects? Many people in college not only have a major, but a minor as well. People that do this usually major in an area with a large income and a stable career and minor in an area they have passion for. I, for example, am majoring in Nursing because it is a very stable career with a nice income, but that is not where my heart is. I love musical theatre! I'm really considering minoring in musical theatre. So when it comes down to it should you major in something that is gonna give you lost of money, but spend your life not as happily as you would if you were doing something you love? Or would you rather study something you love and not live so lavishly later on in life?


1 comment:

JG said...

YES you should take a college minor! Chances are good that you'll have almost enough credits for one in a related field by the time you're a junior or a senior anyway. It makes you sound more impressive, it shows you're more educationally well-rounded, and it can be a way to sneak in what you really want to do without giving up the kind of money you think you want to make.

On the other hand, if you really want to do that other thing that badly, just switch over and do that. You'll still get an education, and the field for different jobs is wide open. It's scary to change a major to something you know your parents or others aren't going to approve of or think is a waste of time, especially if they're paying for it. But it's your life. And you're the one who has to live it doing what matters to you. They can't enjoy your job for you every day. You're the only one who can do that.