Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tired of Schoolwork

I don’t know about anyone else, but I am tired of homework and tests. It’s only half way through the semester and I feel like I’ve been working forever! Some classes don’t even have mid terms; they are the average of your test grades. So, if you did badly on one test, there goes your midterm grade. There is so much work for every class and I swear that every teacher thinks that their class is your only class. I sit down and try to get all caught up on my homework, but the next day I get the same amount. It’s a never ending cycle. Does anyone else feel this way?

-- CO


Anonymous said...

I definitely do. I can barely take it. I'm taking 17 credits this semester which is a lot and I feel like I can never get caught up. I've been very emotional down here too because of it which is causing a problem. If anyone has advice please give it to both of us.. I need it BAD!

JG said...

Well, part of it is adjusting your expectations a bit. You're never going to be "ahead" of the homework and study curve in college. So, if you're expecting that you're supposed to be completely caught up and ahead, you're setting yourself up to feel like a failure.

Instead, consider it like you're treading water. You can keep up. But you'll always be doing something. Rarely will you ever not be studying, reading, or doing something (and if you are, you're probably forgetting something!).

Fall here is tough, because we don't get a midsemester break like other schools do. Instead, we tack that time on to Thanksgiving Break. Plus, fall semester as a freshman is the hardest one, in my opinion. Part of it is just getting used to everything. Nearly everybody almost always has a much better Spring semester.

Anonymous said...

Deff., After all this studying, writing papers, doing projects, and trying to find time to eat and work out is a hassle. It is so stressful and exhausting, I feel like i've been in high school for months. The sad part is that it is only half way through the semester. Hopefully it goes by quickly with thanksgiving break and all.