Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Study Habits

I always find myself studying the night before for about a hour andcramming the hour before. So far I've done alright on my test but not asgood as i want to do. I usually can't focus during those times because iprocrastinate way to much or too attached to my cell phone. Any tips ongood study habits? Or ways to cover material the best?

-- AC


JG said...

It's a pain in the ass, but you have to tackle it a bit at a time. It works much better if you decide you're only going to study for, say, 20-30 minutes in the afternoon for your bio test (or whatever) instead of two or three hours the night before. It's actually a way more efficient use of your time.

I'm interested to see other people's tips, though. What works for everybody?

Anonymous said...

I know it is so hard to try and not study the night before. I also usually get confused if i try to study different subject around the same time. But I guess it is something that has to be done. I suggest just read a little bit-like 20 min.- every night for a week. Studies show studentd remember information better this way.

Anonymous said...

Well, the first thing you would need to do is put your phone on silent while your studying. This is what I do so that I don't get distracted. I also make sure I study in a quiet place. You don't want to be around people yelling or somewhere where the tv is on. You could get sidetracked. The last thing I wanted to mention was to study over a certain amount of time. Yes, there have been studies done to prove that this helps you get better grades. So instead of studying the night before, spread the amount of time you study over a couple of days!

P.Filmeck said...

I am a huge procrastinator too, but lately I have been trying very hard to study a little bit every night instead of cramming and it is actually much better. It is nice to be able to take a break when you want to or quit studying for the night if you would like. When I am cramming the night before a test, I cannot allow myself to take breaks because I simply have no time for them. Spreading out the workload makes studying less stressful.

WVUH2 said...

I am such a dork. I reread the chapter every night for like a week and a bunch of times before the test. I take really good notes more than I should and just keep writing them. Writing helps me to remember so maybe it will help you. Over and over again help me, but some people find that annoying and to much work you should give it a try.