Friday, October 5, 2007

Was University of Columbia Wrong?

It is well known now what they have
done this past Monday. For you people who don't know, I will tell you.
The president of the University decided to have a guest speaker. This
guest speaker could have been anybody in the world. It could have been
former Prime Minister Tony Blair, could have been President Bush, or
they could have gotten OJ Simpson to speak. But no, they possibly
brought the most hated person in the US and a person who hates US as
much as Usama Bin Laiden does. If you guessed Irans' President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad you are right. And the protesting towards this Ivy League
University showed yesterday with many people coming out and showing
there views. The president of the University brought in a man who
could possibly start a war with the United States and is making
Nuclear Weapons right now to come and speak. I mean this guy doesn't
know a word of english. I thought what the president of the university
did was terrible. I mean
how stupid can you be. This man is a terrorist towards the United
States and you invite him to your University. I mean I thought what
the University of Columbia President did was a disgrace to America and
should be fired right away. What do you think?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, I couldn't disagree with someone more. Apparently, while you were wrapped up in your mindless rant, you forgot about the Constitution-what our country is actually based on. The University could have had ANYONE speak, you're right on that part, but that includes Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Allowing ANYONE to speak doesn't just mean anyone who has the same views as you and is going to tell you exactly what you want to hear. Whether you agree with the content or not, the man has the right to speak. If someone tries to stop him, that is a violation of the First Ammendment of our Constitution of the United States. I think the disgrace to America is when people try to punish others for exercising the very rights our founding fathers granted us.