good way to have your assignments graded. I like being able to fix my
papers and hopefully to receive a higher grade. This idea works well
for an English class, however I don't know if it would work well for
other classes.
-- Scott
I like the way the portfolio is done. Personally, I’d rather do a portfolio than take a final exam. I think it is fairer to be able to change your papers for the last time to get the grade that you want. It’s a lot like taking a take home test and being able to get the answers that you want rather than being rushed for the two hours you have to take the test and end up forgetting everything you studied. -- Horsley
I 100% am down with the portfolio. I think it is the best way possible to survive an english class. This is sooo much better for an exam, less crammin' and it cuts you a little slack on one of your exams. In addition, the peer reviews and conferences are always a plus. They help to correct anything and everything in your portfolio to only make it better. I love it, great idea!
Overall I really liked the portfolio experience. I think that this way of grading is a lot more fair than just tests. The portfolio allows Mrs. Greene to see where we started as a writer and how far we've come over the course.She's able to see what changed and why it changed. If students are just given tests they can know most key concepts for the material, but depending on what questions your teachers asks you may not do well. I really like the portfolios. This is because we didn't get graded on each paper at first. This gives the writer the chance to take risks and not be afraid how they will turn out. We were able to take the chance and write the paper. Then we were able to see what our peers did and get their opinions. Conferences with Mrs. Greene were especially helpful because we got one on one time to see how we can correct our papers. Her feedback is really helpful for our final revisions. With the portfolio system we are given many opinions and many chances to revise. -- Lilley
From one year experience at WVU, and having finals and exams all the time in other classes, I LOVE the idea about portfolios. I much rather write a paper and keep revising it any day!! The papers were not that bad but at the same time challenged me. I learned a lot but still didn't have to stress out like a lot of other classes.
-Stephanie Learn
I really like the idea behind the porfolios. It give a student a chance to impliment all their writting skills and strategies that they have learned into all their fianl papers. The final portfolio gives a student a chance to truly prove themself as a writer. They are given one last chance to show how they have progressed through out the year into a more literate person. -Yearsley
I think the portfolio is the best way to earn a grade for English. I love the idea that our papers are not graded the first time around. By putting a portfolio together you get the chance to go back and revise your work to recieve a better grade. On top of all that you get a lot of time and help putting your papers together with peer review and conferences. What more could you ask for? By getting a second chance to correct your papers, it allows Mrs. Greene to see the progress we have made from the beginning of the semester. -- Gilmore
I like the portfolios. I would rather turn in a portfolio than take a final. I like how we can change our papers and improve them to get a better grade. Too many classes stress just one test. The portfolio allows you to show your work throughout the entire semester. I think the portfolio is a way to receive the grade you really deserve. -- Devan
I think i would prefer the portfolio as well over an exam, at least in english class. Im not very good at keeping all my papers, so I will be missing things in the portfolio, but at least I wouldnt have to study for a couple hours and before the exam of all semesters papers and handouts.
My thoughts on handing in a final portfolio is that it's a good tool for the future. We have written 3 major papers this semester and the portfolio allows for those pieces of writing to be more or less on display. It is a good thing to have all your writings in one place because, who knows, maybe one day you could reuse that same paper you did or that same idea that you had in your English 101 class.
Portfolios are wonderful. They take off the stress of a big exam because you can prepare for them throughout your semester. Also, the midterm memo helps you prepare for your final portfolio. I'd MUCH RATHER do a portfolio than an exam.
I like the portfolio idea as well. To be honest, i don't really see how we could take a final exam because this course is all about developing as a writer. The portfolio shows your progress through out the semester and you can appreciate the work you've done from start to finish.
I would take a portfolio any day over an exam. I had portfolio classes for English and history in high school and I loved them and I was very happy to find out that English 101 is a portfolio class. Portfolios take the stress off that you would normally have for a final exam. It is also nice to look back at your work and how you improved over the semester. Portfolios are definitely better than exams.
I like the idea behind the portfolio. Making a portfolio is defiantly better than taking a final exam. The portfolio allows us to see our progress as writers, and that’s evidently what this course wants us to realize.
I was very excited when I heard about the portfolios. I've never been in a class where this system was used, and I'm looking forward to working without the pressure of a letter grade. I feel like I will have more room to breathe creatively on drafts and final essays. I honestly can't see anything wrong with portfolios. Even if students slack off on essays in the beginning, they will only be hurting themselves because their essays will be much weaker than everyone elses in the class come the end of the year. I am very much looking forward to writing this first essay, getting feedback, and being able to improve my voice without stressing out about my score.
I love the idea of portfolios. It gives you a chance to go back and revise a paper a second, maybe even a third time to make it as close to perfect as you want it to be. I really believe that it's a better way to see how you have progressed over the semester in your writing.
I think the portfolio grading system is a great idea, espescially for english. THis give people who can't write well more chances to get better grades by having the many revision attempts at it. It is almost a guarenteed A-B if you talk what the editors say into consideration.
P.S. I know some thing typed weren't grammatically right. I don't care and will not care it you try to correct me on this blog.
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