Because the practice of prostitution occurs regardless of it's
legality, and the CDC spends millions of dollars annually to treat
prostitutes, I feel that we should legalize prostitution. This will
save the country money in numerous ways. If prositution is legal, a
liscense will be necessary to have to be a prostitute. To aquire a
liscense you must have mandatory checks for STDs, greatly reducing the
spread of diseases, and therefore the need for treatment. Seeing as how
the checks for STDs are much less costly then treatments, and this
system has worked well in other countries. I feel that we, the U.S.,
should legalize prostitution.
-Vitamin L
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Legalizing Prostitution really won't solve anything. Odds are, their will still be prostitutes with out a liscense. STD's will still be an issue. Most importantly, we may experiance another baby boomer stage with fathers being as young as twelve years old.
I also feel that prostitution should be legalized. I'm not saying in any way that I believe that prostitution is a healthy way of life. However, if its how some people need to make a living that way, its hard for them to because of always having to be secretive. It's going to happen whether its legalized or not, therefore the US might as well go ahead and legalize it because even though they can't tell yet, it will save them money and issues in the future.
I agree with Jordan. If you require a prostitute to have a license that means they will probably have to pay for it. Seeing that most people prostitute because they have no money I don't see many of them coughing up the money for it. It does seem like a good idea to save money but I think requiring a license isn't the best way.
If prostitution is legalized, you will have to be a certain age to participate, like the systems set up in other countries.
There will always be a black market for things like prostitution. Legalizing it won't completely solve the problem. The real question is, will it reduce most of the damage, and if so, does that make it worth it to legalize prostitution.
Well we spend money fighting drugs, voilence, pedafiles, murderers, terrorism, and a whole bunch of other things, so should we legalize all of them too? The bottom line here is we need to stop thinking with our wallets and start thinking with our brains. Prostitution is wrong. It is usually trapping of the women who do it, and in some cases its forced upon them. Prostitution has been known to fung gangs and drug cartels; not to mention what it says about our value on mariage and sex within the confines of that institution. I think just because its easier to legalize something than fight it doesnt mean we should.... Its time to grow some back bone and make a stand for what are society was formed on.
Whenever people talk about legalizing prostitution, what they're really talking about is legalizing "pimping" (brothels, agencies, etc.), which is mainly the realm of men making money off working women, while keeping it illegal for independent women to control their own prostitution experience (like keeping all of the money they make instead of forking over half or more to their boss). If anybody here is interested in an independent working girl’s blog you can check out mine.
I dont think legalizing prostitution will make a difference either. I dont think mandatory check ups will help because if they are out messing around with other people they dont know they are still at high risk of getting a STD even if they do have checkups.
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